The Chase

We have each engaged in the chase, that hot and passionate pursuit of some thing, some one, some situation, that we craved and created such desire for that it seemed vital to attain. The question is however, what did you pass up in order to maintain the pace and intensity of the pursuit? Did you miss something along the way and land a prize that has yet to genuinely fulfill you?

I know I have taken my turn at this game and, no doubt, will engage in it again. There is an element of fun and pure sport involved. I do, however, find myself having a mindset that is a bit of a shift as the years have passed. I am no longer willing to pursue for the game of the pursuit, I need to have a pace that allows to view the journey and enjoy it. I've done the chase and find the acquisition often left me less thrilled and rewarded than I imagined. The journey, however, was interesting. Now it is all about the combination of the journey and the catch.

What I find is that I learn about myself, about my inner being, my strength and my character as I take something on and I appreciate that learning process. I'm eager to have a Blueprint for what it is I elect to pursue. It has become important to me. And I am no longer willing to allow any pursuit to take me off my game of life balance. I want the various components of my life to harmonize and be tended to, never out of tune or abandoned. Happiness is a choice, a plan of action, a belief system.......join me in the Blueprint process and decide within a space of mindfulness what you want to go after in this life. Be discerning.

As you look at the Blueprint, think about where you are placing your energy and where you know you ought to add your attention. Print a copy off and write a list in each area, indicating what you're doing on a daily basis to take care of each area to create and maintain balance for overall wellbeing. You'll find this is very revealing.
