Helping Important Leaders in our culture Regain, Retain, Reframe Their Edge

Financially. Spiritually. Socially. Viscerally.


Who I Help

I help successful high net worth leaders who feel less than fulfilled despite their initiatives.

Whether you're dealing with physical or psychological issues, I can help you achieve authentic, wholistic well-being and a renewed sense of purpose.

To Work With Me, You Must:

  • Possess strong critical thinking skills
  • Value personal growth and well-being
  • Desire health, happiness, love, and vitality
  • Maintain your success and status
  • Are hesitant to show weakness and open up to others

Cost of Inaction

Not taking action can have serious consequences:

  • Emotional: Lack of confidence
  • Medical: Increased risk of heart attack
  • Financial: Negative impact on business
  • Social: Loss of authority and status

My Values

I personally value:

  • Authenticity: Build trust with genuine communication.
  • Wholistic Well-Being: Achieve balance in mind, body, and spirit.
  • Empowerment: Take charge of your life and create positive change.


My Process

I guide my clients to achieve an authentic, wholistic well-being by following these 3 simple steps:

  • Assess: Identify challenges and goals.
  • Strategize: Develop a personalized plan.
  • Transform: Put that plan into action.

Fact: No matter how you want to examine it, men and women are quite literally nothing without one another and together, in collaboration and unison, they are beautifully effective.

Dear Business Leader

Why I do the work I do and how it is that I created a unique way to be of service.

I was in my early 20s, newly married and loving my life. My parents had taken a Valentine getaway to Mexico – great fun. However, within days of their return, my father had a sudden stroke. Devastating. My mother, who adored him, had one 3 days later, they truly were a dynamic love affair and did everything together. Can you imagine?

It was a dramatic and traumatic time in my life when I suddenly had to face the reality of mortality of loved ones dear to me. I spent 30 years caring for both my mom and dad and learning, on a deep level, about raw intimacy and personal power as I was up close and personal to their darkest fears.

It was during those years that I created The Whole Health Institute, Inc., a place of learning, teaching, and guiding patients, their loved ones, and health care providers alike how to understand The Power of the Healer, The Impact of Language, The Brain Heart Connection and the essential need to Read NonVerbal Language With Your Conscious Mind.

Each of these topics literally have a life and death impact which is overlooked just as Integrative Nutrition is.

My dad lived another dozen years, and my mother another decade plus after that. As he was passing away, many years later, I came to understand on a visceral level, how agonizing it is when we do not come to the end of our life with everything in order.

I felt the same despair when my mother joined him. As the daughter, even though I was the doctor, I could only do so much given the reality of family dynamics and the course of life and learning as we go along the path.

During their time of needing a broad range of care, it became my mission to create ways to be of service to others before their end of the journey. Suffering doesn’t need to be your reality, not on any level. We have a plethora of credible research and also practical strategies to make corrections in life so that our happiness and well-being are authentic and verifiable.

My model includes collaborating with anyone and everyone who is on board credibly to ensure good health and good living.

I am, throughout the process, your personal doctor who guides and choreographs the pathway to your very best everything which I call your Wholistic Achievement.


  • National Congressional Committee National Leadership Award Honorary Co-Chairman, Business Advisory Council
  • Saint Louis University Office of Student Life Leadership Recognition Award
  • Outstanding Contribution to Graduate Student Organizations
  • Trademark Who’s Who Top Doctors Honors Edition
  • St Louis Metropolitan Police Department Public Affairs Division Citizen of the Month for Outstanding Contribution to Law Enforcement
  • Psi Chi National Honor Student Society Outstanding Academic Achievement in Psychology
  • Nominated into Who’s Who across many subject titles including business, healthy, leadership, education

What People Are Saying

"As I am sitting here and interviewing this woman, I am feeling so strongly that everyone needs what she does, what she offers, it is just wonderful. Build the Strength Within is not just a book you read and set aside, it is a life guide."


"Dr Deb is the real deal, she is the feminine version of the Unleash The Power (UPW) with her Build the Strength Within (BSW)"


"A good find, it has been a pleasure to work with her to get Build the Strength Within appropriately published and recognized."

Literary agent

"What lovely conversation this has been, Deborah, here at this tea room (in the Clayton Ritz Carlton). I want to know everything you are doing……here is my personal card, I want you to stay in touch with me. I want to hear what you are doing and how you are."


"It took our columnist Dr Deb Carlin, to bring the Dalai Lama to St Louis. Well done!"

Editor & Publisher, St Louis Business Journal

"What a pleasure it is to read Deb Carlin's latest work, Build The Strength Within. I firmly believe in the concept attributed to the Greek philosopher Epictetus that it is not what happens to you, but how you react that matters. Deb's book is filled with concepts, ideas, and tactics to help you deal with what happens to you and give you the ability to be a winner, versus a victim, of your circumstances."


"Deborah is both an inspirational author and inspired motivational speaker. Her level of authenticity adds immense credibility to her work."


Step 1

Click the button below to schedule time to speak 1:1 with Dr. Deb Carlin, not an assistant or member of her team, actually just with her.

Step 2

On the call, Dr. Carlin will listen to your interests and concerns, then describing the process of creating a custom plan so you can hit your goals and do so with new insights and confidence no matter what the concerns are i.e., medical, psychological, domestic, professional, community, legal, organizational..

Step 3

Once you are enrolled, Dr Carlin works with you 1:1 guiding you in implementing the plan created for your desires, through each and every step through to success.