Blueprinting for Success

You can pick up a set of blueprints for anything that you want to build, but we primarily turn to blueprints for projects that require careful and detailed planning. When it comes to creating these detailed plans we often seek out people with special expertise that can help us. Creating a personal blueprint is no different.  An integral part of the Build The Strength Within program involves developing a blueprint for success.

During our seminars and events, we have you think about what each decade of your life has been thus far, is now, and what you project it to be in the future. Sound like a big project? It is! This is your life and if it is going to be truly excellent, it needs your vision, your energy, and your direction. Life is much like a movie production – in this case, you get to play the part of the screen play writer, director, and producer alongside being the star! That’s life. Envision it and create it, all with a belief and knowledge that you do it for the good of goodness and in harmony with the divine guidance of whatever the power of the universe is – call it what you like.

Typically, if a project seems pretty simple, we just proceed with the confidence that we can get it done. If it is a project that comes with a booklet, we look at the instruction sheet. And even then, we often proceed with a certain confidence, maybe arrogance, that we don’t really need that instruction guide, we can just look at the picture and put it all together, make it happen.

Sound familiar?

Sometimes it actually all works out, and sometimes it just doesn’t.

When it comes to our life, we very often fly by the seat of our pants and assume things will unfold as society or our family tells us it will. We look at a picture of life and we anticipate. We allow life to just happen. We put one foot in front of the other and we expect matriculation on every front. Sometimes we are lucky and sometimes we aren’t. I’ve never really been 100% certain about what exactly luck is, my hunch is that it is a lure to test if we are paying attention.

There is a problem with living life with the anticipation it will all just work out.  Without a solid knowing, awareness, structure, plan, and follow through, disappointment and dysfunction emerge. And then even with the best of intentions, things happen, all sorts of things. How do you navigate?

Your personal blueprint helps you evaluate where you’ve been and determine where you want to go, providing you with a guide for living a successfully intentional life.