Leadership Coaching and Business Training Programs

Dr. Deb Carlin’s Partners In Excellence LLC has had outstanding success working with executives and business professionals to improve their communication, organization and business practices.  Dr. Carlin’s book Build The Strength Within and the related program are applicable to both business and personal life, and are often used in conjunction with specialized programs to help businesses succeed.

Executive and Leadership Coaching

Executive leadership coaching, as handled by Dr. Deb Carlin’s Partners In Excellence, is dedicated to helping professionals improve their performance and increase their impact on their organizations by helping them understand themselves and others better. It's accomplishable but to achieve it requires a commitment from everyone involved.

Effective and long lasting executive leadership development is not a quick fix or off the shelf program. Learning doesn't take place overnight. Personal development is a lifelong process and it takes a commitment in lifelong learning. Relationships with an executive and/or their team may span six months to a year or more. There is no set curriculum. Instead, you are provided with a highly individualized and customized process that's tailored to fit your specific needs and with consideration for the organization you are working within.

The process is based upon years of work with a wide array of industries and a dedication to the practical application of the most reasonable methods of organizational and executive leadership development.

The approach is a collaborative one. We don't do things to executives, we do things with them. We work as partners to design the process around their life, work environment, personal challenges and their organization's needs. Every meeting, every discussion, every e-mail, and every phone call is made with the singular purpose of helping the executive discover the keys that will make them more fulfilled and more productive in their work and in their life.

Successful leaders help others become more effective, which provides the greatest impact possible on an organization. No organization sustains bad leadership indefinitely; indeed, when attrition rates are continually high (or threats of attrition are ongoing), there will be a strain on morale, productivity eventually slows and the organization suffers whether it is in a service or manufacturing industry. The worst kind of leader is the one who fails to recognize that their greatest obligation is to their employees, that is who their followers are. Without the employees, there is no need for the leader and hence, what then is the function of the business?

The first step in becoming truly effective as an executive and as a leader has already been taken by you.  If you are reading this, you’re willing to explore your own self and the ways in which you influence and are impacted by others.


Organizational Assessment & Process Review

The way in which an organization is established, with intentional  plans for growth or by a default mechanism, influence the effective impact of what sort of outcomes will be realized. The fact is that many structures are in place covertly not strategically. It is only through a specific set of exercises that the architecture of an organization can be viewed and then analyzed.

In the analysis, which consistently is predicted to be obvious but is realized to be not, is there opportunity to to understand where strength lies, where there is overlap, and where gaps are allowing energy leaks. As is true in any tangible structure, energy leaks across people are costly. Our process allows for identification of job analysis at a high level and we drill down as far as is needed for the project and intent.

No matter what the status of an entity, this allows for a very obvious look at the actual movements of work and placement of actions which take place daily. It is when we look at these two studies that the ways to insert corrections is able to be embraced by team members needing to make shifts. The outcomes are reliably the same -- productive and well received because we simply illuminate what there was a hunch about and get engagement for ease of process ongoing. Morale boosts are a natural outcome of this work.

There is an ongoing discussion in the professional literature about the value of internal versus external consultants. Perhaps there is no more important place for there to be external investigation that within these aforementioned consults. Internal people are too close to the the operations to see clearly, fresh eyes reveal what the tired and repetitive struggle to find clearly. Additionally, there is the issue of political capital, avoidance of insult is a reality. As outsiders we walk in knowing we are present to serve the client but not to sustain mediocre -- we are your genuine partners in excellence and every bit of the pursuit of it.


Business Training Programs

Aside from executive and leadership training Dr. Deb Carlin’s Partners In Excellence offers specialized company training programs to help encourage positive interactions and productive communication in the workplace.  These customized programs were designed to promote successful working relationships and better business practices.

Built into our offerings we guide the writing of copy to attract talent, screen them, and place them appropriately. All too familiar with the issues of wrong hires and turnover, we advocate for you to have a peaceful and happy team working in your organization -- productively. Our partners include reliable sources  for drug testing, background checks, and a broad range of statistically valid and reliable assessments.

When trouble bubbles up, we have a healthy process for inviting the wrong people to un-board the bus to make room for the right people. Thank you author Jim Collins.


Reflective Practices in the Workplace

Whether it is in a volunteer capacity or as a paid employee, people are brought into the workplace to contribute to the organization being able to reach specific business goals. The performance of every member within an organization does, in part, contribute to whether or not the organization will be successful. Success cannot happen well if the workforce is under performing.

Imagine what you could accomplish if you had time allocated for thinking, planning and implementing before and after meetings, routinely. Consider how powerful it would be to measure the effectiveness of your activities and share that data. Imagine being fully equipped to deal effectively and healthfully with any work scenario because you had the internal resources within your own self and your within organization because there had been time and effort dedicated to contingency planning. Envision leaving work at the end of the day and feeling great about all you had accomplished.

Think about the idea of returning to work the next morning eager and ready for whole new day to unfold, with all it's challenges and issues and feeling replenished enough to handle any and all of it.

Our unique approach to implementing reflective practices in the workplace produce these kinds of outcomes. It's wholistic and effective because it is calm, sensible, rational, and strategic.


Enhancing the Spirit of Community

Every organization is a community, a group of people with some common interests.  At Partners In Excellence LLC we know intuitively that performance is enhanced when people feel confident and comfortable in what they are doing.

As psychologists, social psychologists in particular, we have a unique set of skills that have prepared us to work with people in groups and help them learn ways to enhance the ways they can communicate so they are understood clearly and effectively. We also help people learn specialized skills so they can work together in ways that facilitate carrying out the shared mission and reaching the goals that have been outlined as important. The core of our work includes an essential focus of attention on the attitudes and perceptions of the work force members; we want workers positive and engaged in their daily activities.

Regardless of what the environment is like when we enter, by the time we are into our work process, people are noticing that they like their organization better, feel more positive about their work, feel more connected and productive with their co workers and are taking pride in the spirit of their community.


Truly Effective Communication

To communicate effectively means to be able to pass, transfer, transmit news, ideas, and information and to be successful in conveying that verbiage or text in ways that are meaningful and comprehensible to others.

Within the organizations where we are expected to function effectively, there is a plethora of information to be communicated. The communication needs to be carefully articulated and choreographed so that it is clear, crisp and inclusive of all members of the considered audience. This reality means that there is a need for a thoughtful, strategic, comprehensive communication model.

We analyze the needs of a client and work side by side with them to determine the needs and then build an effective model for communicating within the organization and to whoever the outside interests are. We take into consideration all aspects of what is necessary from prevention to intervention to crisis intervention to inspiration and education. We focus on written skills and aural skills for individuals and for groups; we put each piece of that work into a model for how information is communicated effectively throughout the organization.

To learn more about  the leadership coaching and business training programs available contact Partners In Excellence LLC.